Karin Arink


23 Sept - 12 Nov 2006

For the project space Karin Arink (Delft 1967) has produced an installation in which a sculpture of cloth dominates the room like an enormous, colorful chandelier. Manifold Mumbag is its title; Mumbag is an idea conceived by Arink herself. Here one can recognize the words ‘mum’ and ‘bag’, but the sound of it also gives rise to associations with the word ‘scumbag’. ‘Manifold Mumbag’ functions as a nickname for motherhood and the life-giving principle. The sound work, which is located in the same space, behind a partition of cloth soaked in plaster, constitutes an opposite in every respect. Fragments of the white visions is about the oppression of an empty, completely sterile space – the ‘white cube’ as a terrifying image. For Arink, the making of art is closely intertwined with her own life and her relation to ‘the other’. “I investigate what the domain of the ‘self’ could be; in what ways do I exist, how does the ‘self’ relate to others, how do experiences relate to abstractions?